Dr. Dana Granberg-Nill is still seeing cosmetic patients (Botox injections) on site in Liberty, MO. If you would like to make an appointment for this purpose, please email Dr. Granberg-Nill at DrDana@thehappycamperdoctor.com
A PMA is a Private Membership Association, prior to injections of botox there will be some forms to fill out.
Meet Your Doctor
Dr. Dana Granberg-Nill, MD FAAFP
Thank you for looking into becoming a member of The Happy Camper MD Private Membership Association.I am a board-certified family physician with over 2 decades of patient care in the Northland.In the fall of 2021, I resigned from private practice in search of a more personal approach to meeting the needs of like-minded people that desired more than what the current system was able to offer.
Outside of work, I enjoy spending time with my family. I also enjoy boating, reading, home fitness regimes and travel. I am married and have four children and a rescue dog named Bentley.
The Happy Camper MD
"Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
and sorry I could not travel both
and be one traveler, long I stood...I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference."
- Robert Frost